
Joey Bonfiglio

Obsessed with your goals and vision!

  • Tribute To My Dad

    Tribute To My Dad

    On this Memorial Day I want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to all the men and women who served and continue to serve our country, including my late father who served in the United States Navy. He passed away on August 7th 2014 and was given a beautiful military ceremony led by my…

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  • The Art of Creativity

    The Art of Creativity

    I’m sure most of you have gone to one of these wine and canvas painting events, or heard of them, where you enjoy a beverage while the artist walks you through, stroke by stoke, to create a replica of what they are painting. I had the pleasure of attending one as part of a team…

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  • Open Letter To LEGO

    Open Letter To LEGO

    (March 31st) marked the end of my LEGO journey, for now 🙂 … 4 ½ years ago I answered a Facebook post for an open position as the Digital Content Manager from my good friend and hockey teammate Danielle Chabot, and so my LEGO journey began. … and what an amazing journey it’s been. Thank you Danielle!…

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  • Train Your Subconscious Mind Through Repetition

    Train Your Subconscious Mind Through Repetition

    In my latest post, I shared that one of my goals for 2020 is to publish my first book How To Build A Level Up Mindset: Cheat Codes for Success, Health, and Happiness. The reason I am so excited to attain this goal is I believe this journal can be of service to you just…

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  • 2020 Mindset Shift

    2020 Mindset Shift

    Wow, 2019 is in the books! Actually, in the Workbook*, would be more appropriate for this post. Before looking ahead to 2020, I would be remiss not to reflect back at a few of the blessings received in 2019 … Improved health amongst family and friends Moved from Connecticut to St. Augustine, Florida (or where…

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