
Joey Bonfiglio

Obsessed with your goals and vision!

  • 5 Habits of Successful People: How to Apply Them in Everyday Life

    5 Habits of Successful People: How to Apply Them in Everyday Life

    As someone who is passionate about personal development and growth mindset, I’ve spent a lot of time studying successful people and what they have in common. Through my research, I’ve found that there are five habits that successful people consistently practice, and I believe that anyone can incorporate these habits into their daily routine to…

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  • 8 Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination and Achieving Your Goals

    8 Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination and Achieving Your Goals

    Procrastination is a common challenge that many people face. It can be a significant obstacle to achieving our goals, whether they are related to work, personal life, health, or any other aspect of our lives. Procrastination can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress levels, and decreased productivity, all of which can prevent us from achieving…

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  • 7 Benefits Of Cold Showers

    7 Benefits Of Cold Showers

    Most of us love a hot shower to start or end our day, but did you know that switching up the temperature of your shower could benefit your health in numerous ways? Experts recommend alternating between hot and cold water to reap the benefits of both temperatures. The benefits of cold showers and cryotherapy Studies…

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  • The Value Of Time

    The Value Of Time

    What is the value of time? We have all heard the expression “time is money” … In 2019 my family moved from Connecticut, where my wife and I grew up and spent our entire lives, to Saint Augustine, Florida due to a number of factors, once of which was my wife’s health. Through the COVID…

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  • 10 Benefits Of Infrared Saunas

    10 Benefits Of Infrared Saunas

    As part of the transformation journey I embarked on a few years ago, I started to leverage the sauna at my local gym in Connecticut. Initially it was to sweat out some extra calories after my workouts, but over time noticed a difference in my overall well-being. My body seemed to be more relaxed and…

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