
Joey Bonfiglio

Obsessed with your goals and vision!

I’m sure most of you have gone to one of these wine and canvas painting events, or heard of them, where you enjoy a beverage while the artist walks you through, stroke by stoke, to create a replica of what they are painting.

I had the pleasure of attending one as part of a team building night-out event while traveling for The LEGO Group.

I’ve had this LEGO Batman painting for a few years now but never thought I would ever hang it on my wall. I never thought to hang it because for some reason I thought it was “unhangable” … Not sure if I just made up a word or not, but pretty cool if I did.

I'm LEGO Batman Art by Joey Bonfiglio

Un-hang-able“The act of not giving value to your creative talent”

… or something like that.

Now that we’re in our new home in Florida, I continue to walk by it on the floor in the corner of my office as it’s taken a while to unpack and get situated. Who knew unpacking 40+ years of your life into a new location would take so long.

Anywho – For months now it’s been laying here in the corner, but for some reason the yellow has seemed a lot brighter lately, almost as if it’s been communicating with me, trying to tell me something.

The brighter and brighter it seems to get the more I think about the time spent that night with friends and colleagues. And all the positive energy that filled the room as we shared fellowship with each other and shared our creations with one another. Our host and staff welcomed us as if we had been part of their family for years. 80’s and 90’s music played second to our stories from our past as we reminisced.

The more I think about this painting the more I think about each of our gifts and how we tend to down play or sometimes be embarrassed to share them. We are all creators of some kind. If you put pen to paper or fingers to guitar strings, saw to wood, you are a creator.

This painting was created as a snapshot in time to a wonderful night and moment shared with great friends! From this perspective, to me this painting is priceless!

What about you? What have you created that needs to be pulled out of your closet or drawer? Comment or share your creation below.

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