
Joey Bonfiglio

Obsessed with your goals and vision!

A few months ago my cousin recommended I try “Floating” and explained some of the benefits. Since I’ve been pretty open to trying new methods of exploring human consciousness I wanted to give it try. I’m sure like I did, you are asking, “What is Floating“.

Floating is a term used when laying in a sensory isolation or deprivation tank, which is also called a flotation tank. The tank is filled with about 6 to 12 inches of salt water.ย The air and water are set at 93.5 Fahrenheit, the same temperature as your skin then infused with 8,000 -12,000 pounds of Epsom saltsย allowingย you to float effortlessly after a fewย minutes.

You feel weightless, floating on the 6 to 12 inches of salt waterย designed to remove as muchย external stimuli as possible.ย This helpsย guide your body and mind into a state ofย lucidity so no feeling, seeing or hearing.

Joe Rogan has made Floating more mainstream lately and talks about it quite often on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience. Joe actually bought an Isolation Tank for his home in California and believes in the benefits.

A studyย byย BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicineย to evaluate the effects in healthy participants after receiving a series of flotation tank treatment suggest time spent floating in a sensory deprivation tank may have benefits to healthy people.

Those include a significant decrease in:

  • Stress hormones (like cortisol in your body)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle tension
  • Body pains
  • Blood pressure

and a significant increase in:

  • Optimism
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Creativity
  • Better sleep
  • Heighten yourย senses

And these effects can last long after your visit. MRIย scans are showing that after an hour ofย floating your visual cortex activityย increases and stays excited even 30ย minutes after the session.

So I reached out to my cousin last week to book our appointments. The place we went was very welcoming and truly went out of their way to make sure we had the best experience possible.

Lobby | RizeGrindRepeat.com

As we checked in there was a nice sitting area as we waited for our rooms to be ready. They asked each of us if we would like music on or off as well as lights on or off.ย For the full sensory deprivation experience my cousin recommended no music and no lights.

The woman walked me to the room and explained the process.

Prior to getting into the tank I was instructed to take a shower and plug my ears with a mold-able wax. This is to prevent the salt water from getting in my ears.

The lights stayed on for about 10 minutes for me to shower, put the wax in my ears and then lay in the water and get acclimated.
Shower | RizeGrindRepeat.comย ย Tank | RizeGrindRepeat.com

Slowly the lights went down into complete darkness. As I floated in the water I felt my neck a bit sore for a few minutes. As much as I thought I was resting my head in the water I still had not fully relaxed my body to allow my head to truly float. Something I’m sure most feel with their first session.

A few minutes later I was floating effortlessly. I couldn’tย tell where myย body ended and the water began.ย My muscles slowly and fullyย relaxed. My brain felt like it was almostย detachedย from my body in a way. Iย slipped into aย kind of awake but not awake REM sleep. Anything I was previously concerned with prior to going into the tank, my mind basically disregarded. It was as if my subconscious told my conscious, everything will work out the way it should so there is no reason to give it any attention in the present.

After the lights came up, I showered and got dressed. I met my cousin in the lobby. There was no mirror to look at myself but looking at my cousin, he looked how I felt, totally relaxed in a Zen-like state. My senses were heighten. Colors were more vibrant. Everything seemed slower, calmer with no reason to rush or worry. It almost felt like a spiritual experience where my body just let go and was able to ‘just be’.

I would definitely recommend “Floating” and it is something that I am going to periodically add to my routine. I’m looking forward to my next session now that I know what to expect.

For a copy of my book โ€œHow To Build A Level Up Mindset: Cheat Codes For Success, Health, and Happinessโ€ and The Level Up Mindset System Workbook, to help you focus on mindset growth, personal development and get clear on your goals and vision, click the image below:

Buy How To Build A Level Up Mindset On Amazon
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