The power of reading is one of my favorite topics to discuss, although if you asked me a few years ago it was never something I thought I would spend time doing. Especially with all the self made distractions that I allowed into my life, worrying about the future or thinking about the past and dwelling on the mistakes I made. Never mind the day to day grind.
I guess it’s only fitting I’m writing this article at my local Barnes & Noble. As I look around there are people of all ages and races in the café, reading, researching, writing papers and studying. Next to me is an older gentleman who appears to be in his mid to late 80’s. He’s reading a book on Thomas Jefferson with his legs crossed and reading glasses on the tip of his nose. Spread out on the table is another softcover book titled Joan of Arc and a folded newspaper with the daily crossword filled out next to his cup of coffee.
He hasn’t moved for 20 minutes with the exception of turning the pages. It’s amazing how the mind slows down when you read. All the distractions of life disappear as we embark on a journey the writer takes us on through his experience or imagination. Through reading we are expanding and stretching ourselves to become more knowledgeable than we were the day before.
As discussed at length along my journey I have come across so many motivational videos by such amazing people. Most of whom have written books on the particular subject matter I wanted to learn more about. Whether its business, tech, finance or self improvement almost all the speakers I follow have books that dive deeper into the subject matter. I have read and purchased more books in the last year than I have combined over the last 25 years.
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One of the greatest gifts I’ve received as part of my journey is a new found passion to gain as much knowledge as I can on the subjects that I have always wanted to know more about but never made it a priority. I find myself watching less and less news and other media that does not serve me. At the end of the day we are the creators of our own life which is newsworthy. Why let some network dictate what is important when it is you, your family and friends that is newsworthy. You are the creator of your own story. And when I say friends and family I am talking about the ones that serve you well with positive affirmation.
“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today” Jordan B. Peterson
Life is not easy and removing these negative influences and focusing on being a good person and sharing that compassion with others became the foundation I needed to begin the process of rebuilding myself. I recently purchased Jordan Peterson’s, 12 Rules For Life where he outlines similar rules and principles.
When I was at my lowest, I realized the only thing I could control was my own behavior. I started to work on fixing myself and going out of my way to help and show compassion for others.
Jordan Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and psychology professor at the University of Toronto. 12 Rules For Life includes abstract ethical principles about life influenced by and based on biology, literature, religion, myths, clinical experience and scientific research. If you have been following my blog and find yourself on a a similar journey, I highly recommend this book.
If you do not already, I encourage you to find time in your day to read as it has empowered me to continue to educate myself and broaden my knowledge on things I would have never otherwise explored.
I find the best time for me is after my morning run before my wife and children get up with a cup of coffee. Is there a time of day or place you like to read that works for you. I would love to hear from you. Please comment below.
Part 6 of my Optimum Balance Series will focus on the benefits of “Writing”.
Godspeed on your journey!
Joey Bonfiglio | #RiZeGrindRepeat
2 responses to “Reading – Optimum Balance Series (Part 5)”
Nice post, Joe. In particular, I appreciate the care you took to share the detailed account of the man reading next to you at B&N. No better way to illuminate the power of books and story then to share a story.
I’ll be honest being a grad student I read a lot… unfortunately the reading I do is to get to my end result of my masters degree and not as much to enjoy the moment..
I find that when I do read for pure self I like to read at night after my day is done and the house is quiet the kids are a sleep and Joey goes to work..
That quietness of the night when most of the town is quiet I find to be best for me.